Enterprise application distribution, simplified.

Whether you use our SDK or your development framework of choice, Equo builds and ships applications at the pace of development.
Distribute seamlessly

Connect directly to Github, Gitlab, or Bitbucket to enable a CI/CD with almost zero configuration.

Auto updates

Ship live application updates,content changes, bug fixes, beta features, and more. Automatically deliver performance improvements and security patches.

Code signing

Sign your application for every platform, and certify that it was actually created by your company.

Native installers

Get native installers from a reliable place.

Get auto-generated native installers for Windows , macOS, and Linux , with no platform dependencies or complicated build steps.

No need to maintain your own build infrastructure - Equo takes care of it.

Schedule a demo

Bring CI/CD to desktop and embedded apps.

General purpose CI/CD systems do not address the needs of desktop and embedded apps. We provide the additional services that most CI/CD platforms don't: native builds and installers, code signing, auto updates, and monitoring.

Already have an existing CI/CD infrastructure? You can use all Equo services through an easy integration with our CLI. Learn more.


Automate your workflow and distribution strategy

Cloud services for every phase of the software development lifecyle.

Build. Continuous integration and continuous deployment can be correctly reached without effort.


Test. Automated UI testing with parallel testing execution.


Sign. Sign your application for every platform, and certify that it was actually created by your company.


Distribute. Distribute your app with auto-generated installers for all operating systems and platforms.


Monitor. Monitor your application behavior through analytics and error reporting.


Reuse. Accelerate development speed by reusing pre-built web components and templates.


© 2024 Equo Tech, Inc.